Dear black people, Lend me a minute.Lets talk about us.
Dear black people. What is it about being so black that makes it a "not black enough" thing to be successful? Oh I'm sorry that Barack Obama is "acting white" because he is silent when a black man on the street is the victim of a racist death. Maybe he should go back to Kenya and let a black enough man take over.
Dear black people. How is it the white man's fault that your sons think that doing jail time adds to your street cred? How is it the fault of the white man that your children drop out of school to be someone's baby mama or to become the dope-selling, belly-button-length-bling-wearing thug in the corner of the street?
Dear black people. When was the last time your country heard your voice as loud as when "one of your own" was a victim? what else do you stand up in solidarity for besides racism? where are your contributions to your society? how loud are your placards that stand up against "other matters"?
Dear black people. Maybe you are not let into clubs because your idea of "turn up" is ending the night in club fights, drive-bys' and emergency room visits.
Dear black people. Has it ever occured to you that maybe the whites' are afraid of what the country will become if left in the hands of blacks? if you finally are let to have a say? afterall what else do we know how to do well besides violence?
Dear black people. You are the ones that have'nt let the white man believe that you are finally capable of being trusted.
Dear black people. Why always so fast to scream "racist"?
Dear black people, please be informed that the actions of people like Martin Luther and Rosa Parks do not in any way speak for all people of the black race. It is not gonna automatically gaurantee you a place in the "white schools". No it doesnt mean you do not have a responsibility to be a responsible person.
Dear black people. Maybe if your kids learnt respect for authority things might just be a little different when they have an encounter with the police. Maybe if they were taught that they didn't have to break laws to be considered black enough, maybe if they were told that there isnt any such nonsense as being "black enough" then maybe they'd pull up their sagging pants, get a degree and keep their legs closed!
Dear black people. Maybe if you werent the ones disturbing the peace, starting bitch fights and throwing violent tantrums when you didnt get what you want it just might be easier for that white man who was your boss to keep you in the job.
Dear black people, why are you all so silent when a white man is killed by a black man? Why do you not protest the irresponsibility of your children?
Dear black people, NO! that white child trying to play with your black child's hair might not be racism but pure fascination. Let live!
Dear black people. Why would you accuse that white girl of racism because she doesnt have any black friends? Maybe her mama taught her that black people are nothing but trouble. Well, would you blame her mama?
Dear black people, racism will always be in existence. People will always hate you no matter what or who you are. Deal with it and move on!
Dear black people. Maybe each person needs to take up the responsibility of showing the world that they can trust you when next you approach people with you hands in your pockets.
Dear black people. The world has bigger things to deal with now without the interruption of your baby mama fights on social media and those pictures you take sitting buried beneath a pile of dirty currency notes.
Dear black people. The world still has respect for blacks who have distinguished themselves from the average slave mentality and have become people of renown. The world has respect for the likes of Oprah, Martin Luther, Reggie Jackson, Muhammad Ali, Micheal Jordan, Micheal Jackson, Barack Obama, Beyonce.........the world - yes white people inclusive - would give a standing ovation for the likes of these people despite the fact that they are BLACK!.
Dear black people. Stop. Ask yourself what exactly are you fighting for? and if the battle is won who will you be? what will you be known for besides violence and the noise of protests?
Dear black people. White folks come together to have a protest without vadalism of public property and threatning of cops and yet they get results.
Dear black people. There are bigger fish to fry now. How bout we talk ISIS? How bout we talk gay rights? How bout we talk religion? How bout we talk terrorism? How bout we realise that the world has gotten tired of hearing you cry foul?
I refuse to believe that any white person has the power to stop any black person who chooses to be something or somebody remarkable in life. Yes #CrimingWhileWhite has exposed the fact that white people are partial to their own but who isnt? at least they are safer in their own hands.
No im not saying you should stop fighting for your legitimate human rights. I'm not saying either that all black people are violent and irresponsible. Im not trying to make a case for the obvious hate of the white man. But how do you demand equality when you do not even act equal towards your own? You are the ones who bitch the most on your own. You are the ones who organise the gang fights, kill your own, make inter-racial couples feel like they'v committed the unthinkable, disrespect your women. You cannot make demands of respect in places where you havent sown any.
A people who only unite to mourn prejudice from the white race can never win this battle if your in-house problems are not fixed yet. You cannot scream "flawed" in a system where you do not have perfection.
So I ask again.................Dear black people. If this battle of racism is finally won, what will you be know for?
But then, what do I know? I'm just an average black kid living in a predominantly black society in an almost obsolete part of the world, who has prolly never experenced inter-racial discrimination. What do I know?